Derived from: BHandler
Declared in: be/interface/View.h
Library: libbe.so
Summary: more...
The BView class is one of the largest in the BeOS class library. Because of this, the BView documentation is split across a number of files:
- BView Introduction is a brief intro to the BView class.
- BView General Functions describes those functions that you use no matter what you're doing with your BView object.
- BView Drawing-Related Functions: Anything related to drawing subdivided into Primitive Drawing Functions (to draw lines, circles, polygons, etc.) and Other Drawing Functions (such as picture recording, and bitmap functions).
- BView Graphics State Functions modify or report on the "graphics state," a set of variables (colors, pen position, scaling, etc.) that control how drawing takes place in the BView.
- BView Hook Functions gives a list of the BView functions that can be implemented in a subclass.
- BView View Hierarchy Functions relate to the nested tree of views associated with a window.
- BView Input-Related Functions monitor and process input activity.
- Scripting and Archival describes the scripting suites and properties, and archived fields supported by BView.
For information about a specific member function, click on the function name below:
- BView(), ~BView()
- AddChild(), AddLine(), AllAttached(), AllDetached(), AppendToPicture(), AttachedToWindow()
- BeginLineArray(), BeginPicture(), BeginRectTracking(), Bounds()
- ChildAt(), ClearViewBitmap(), ClearViewOverlay(), ClipToPicture(), ClipToInversePicture(), ConstrainClippingRegion(), ConvertFromParent(), ConvertFromScreen(), ConvertToParent(), ConvertToScreen(), CopyBits(), CountChildren()
- DetachedFromWindow(), DragMessage(), Draw(), DrawAfterChildren(), DrawBitmap(), DrawBitmapAsync(), DrawChar(), DrawingMode(), DrawPicture(), DrawPictureAsync(), DrawString()
- EndLineArray(), EndPicture(), EndRectTracking(), EventMask()
- FindView(), FillArc(), FillBezier(), FillEllipse(), FillPolygon(), FillRect(), FillRegion(), FillRoundRect(), FillShape(), FillTriangle(), Flags(), Flush(), ForceFontAliasing(), Frame(), FrameMoved(), FrameResized()
- GetClippingRegion(), GetFont(), GetFontHeight(), GetMouse(), GetPreferredSize(), GetStringWidths(), GetSupportedSuites()
- Hide(), HighColor()
- Invalidate(), InvertRect(), IsFocus(), IsHidden(), IsPrinting()
- KeyDown(), KeyUp()
- LeftTop(), LineCapMode(), LineJoinMode(), LineMiterLimit(), LowColor()
- MakeFocus(), MessageReceived(), MouseDown(), MouseMoved(), MouseUp(), MoveBy(), MoveTo(), MovePenBy()
- MovePenTo()
- NextSibling()
- Origin()
- Parent(), PenLocation(), PenSize(), PopState(), PreviousSibling(), Pulse(), PushState()
- RemoveChild(), RemoveSelf(), ResizeBy(), ResizeTo(), ResizeToPreferred(), ResizingMode(), ResolveSpecifier()
- ScrollBar(), ScrollBy(), ScrollTo(), SetDrawingMode(), SetEventMask(), SetFlags(), SetFont(), SetFontSize(), HTMLSetHighColor(), HTMLSetLowColor(), SetViewColor(), SetLineMode(), SetMouseEventMask() SetOrigin(), SetPenSize(), SetResizingMode(), SetScale(), SetViewBitmap(), SetViewCursor(), SetViewOverlay(), Show(), StringWidth(), StrokeArc(), StrokeBezier(), StrokeEllipse(), StrokePolygon(), StrokeRect(), StrokeRegion(), StrokeRoundRect(), StrokeTriangle(), Sync()
- TargetedByScrollView(), TruncateString()
- ViewColor()
- Window(), WindowActivated()
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